World war 3 | How far away are we?

Although I'm not a huge fan of world history and my general knowledge especially when it comes to history is far from the best, the news recently has been really worrying me.


I'm going to be honest, I cannot even begin to think about why people would want to leave this country to join Isis...but then I wouldn't do it and so I cannot comment on why people feel compelled to do that. It's scary, that something so controversial can actually attract people away from what must be an okay life in the UK.

I also understand (as much as I can for someone who has never had to flee their own country) why you'd leave your country depending on the state of things and I can see how upsetting and frustrating it would be to be rejected from other countries because you are refugees.

So here's where I know not everyone will agree with me.. Yes, I want to support people who are seeking asylum. BUT I just don't know how we are meant to do this. Our country itself has a lot of problems that the government and the country as a whole need to work on. It's well known there are a lot of cuts and that everyone, including the government, is trying to save money. I'm not saying we shouldn't help people as I do believe that is the right thing to do I'm just worried about the policing of who gets into the country...or should I say lack of?

How do we know that that man who claims to have lost children getting here and speaks of awful scenes isn't really someone who is undercover and coming here for the wrong reasons? How do we not know people already in this country are here because they are genuinely seeking asylum? How do we know that people who wanted to get to Syria but didn't manage to aren't helping plan big things for this country and aren't aiding the wrong people getting in.

I do not think there is an easy solution to any of this at all. I'm not saying I've got a solution - I wish I did. All I'm saying is who are we meant to help and how much can we do/not do before a war begins again?
